HERE AT DENTAL CARE TODAY, PC, OUR TEAM TAKES GREAT PRIDE IN utilizing the most advanced technologies available in caring for your oral health.
One of the neat things about today’s technologies—especially in the case of using an intra-oral camera—is that YOU can be involved in the process of diagnosing the health of your teeth.
Our intra-oral camera is an amazing handheld device that combines an extremely bright light source with a tiny, high definition video camera. Most intra-oral cameras look a lot like a writing pen, and when moved around inside your mouth, they give our team the ability to see enlarged, detailed images of the surfaces of your teeth, the condition of your gums, and other valuable information about the tissues inside your mouth.
Dr. Behner or a team member will use this tiny device to capture close-up pictures of your teeth that we often display on a monitor. Intra-oral cameras don’t cause any type of pain, discomfort, or ill side effects. They help us see tarnished or corroded fillings, decay, bleeding gums, plaque, or hairline fractures in your teeth, in real time, as you sit comfortably in our dental chair!
If you’re interested in seeing the images, an intra-oral camera allows you to see what Dr. Behner and our team see. It’s not only quite fascinating for many of our patients, but it also helps you better understand the recommendations we make. You’ve heard the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
Recently, an intra-oral camera was used on an episode of The Doctors:
Here at Dental Care Today, PC, we place great importance on each long-standing relationship we have with you, our valued patients. Thank you for the trust you place in us. If you have any questions about intra-oral cameras—or any other matter related to your oral health—please don’t hesitate to ask.